Friday, October 12, 2012

Healthy and Fit Week: Fit Picks!

We are on a constant mission around here to keep strong, healthy, and fit. We have a take no prisoners attitude in the fight against feeling sluggish, weak, and outright lame. So we introduce to you in no particular order our top ten weapons that help us keep up the battle. Tell us what you like to use and do to keep focused and maintain your health and fitness goals because we'd love to hear from you!

1. Sports Bras They keep your boobs happy and this is an important thing because they don't like flailing around during a workout regardless of how big or small they are; besides, it hurts. Plus, a properly fitted sports bra can help reduce strain on your back and neck. -C

2. Medicine Balls If you ever need a break from the hand weights, medicine balls are the way to go. Reminiscent of kick balls from the playground (please don't kick these, though, you might regret it), they're great for weight training with a little more of a challenge. Exercising with a partner? Grab a medicine ball and check out these suggestions from LiveStrong for two-person workouts. -B

3. Neoprene Free Weights I like neoprene ones because they are cushiony so they are gentle on my hands and they come in pretty colors. (Pretty colors are always important) With other weights sometimes I get calluses but not with neoprene ones! -C

4. Water It took a long time for me to enjoy drinking water which is something I personally found to be a strange quirk. However, when you're thirsty, especially after a hard workout, nothing quenches it quite like water. My new motto for drinking water is "Water or Die!" and surprisingly it's enough to help me get down a few more ounces. -C

5. Spinach When it comes to leafy veggies, the greener the better. No wonder Popeye was such a huge fan! Spinach is a low-calorie food that can be used in a multitude of ways: salad, omelets, muffins, smoothies, and more! It's also an excellent source of iron. Because spinach can be high on pesticides, eat it organic if possible. -B

6. Running Shoes Self-explanatory, really. Unless you're doing yoga or another workout that doesn't require shoes, you may want to grab a pair to prevent an easily avoidable injury. Trust me. Been there, done that. -B

7. Bananas Potassium rich foods like bananas help prevent cramps so they are a necessity for me since I get them quite easily if I'm not careful. Potatoes and raisins have twice as much potassium per serving than bananas so they can be good options too, but a banana is easier to grab plus it has less sugar and carbohydrates. I usually try to have one after an especially hard work out. -C

8. Energy Bar Technically, they're best eaten before or during exercise for an energy boost, especially for high endurance workouts. However, don't feel like that's the only time performance energy bars can be consumed. With a variety of flavors, including chocolate peanut butter, apple cinnamon, and wild berry; they're awesome for refueling after an intense workout, too! -B

9. Epsom Salt When your muscles ache and the soreness and tiredness won't go away a soak in an epsom salt bath is the prescription. When I ran track, did gymnastics, and danced on the regular I counted on these baths to help soothe my tender muscles and it worked every time. The salt helps reduce inflammation and can help improve circulation plus so much more. Read about all its benefits here at the Epsom Salt Council. Yes, there is one. There's a council for everything. -C

10. Yoga Mats Yoga mats aren't just for yoga! (Or nap time!) They help with stability during workouts, which is extremely beneficial when you need to focus more on keeping your muscles tight and engaged, and less on keeping yourself from sliding and falling over. Yoga mats also prevent rug burn while working out on carpet. It happens. -B

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